Super Tactical Droid (2)
Basic info
First appearance: The Clone Wars (TV Series)
Relations: Baktoid Combat Automata
Super tactical droids were advanced tactical droids that served as commanders of the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars. In response to the T-series tactical droid's inflexibility, the secessionist Confederacy of Independent Systems commissioned the battle droid manufacturer, Baktoid Combat Automata, to produce the super tactical droid for use in its military forces during the galaxy-spanning conflict known as the Clone Wars.
Evolved from their predecessors, the tactical droid had a much more robotic inflection to its voice, as well as a larger, more imposing and armored body. Differences aside, the super tactical droid, as with their counterpart in the Separatist Droid Army, was analytical and calculating. Created to digest a situation of battle and formulate the most effective solution with a time frame for its execution, they were dreaded by Republic soldiers and seen as very dangerous to veteran officers.


See also
Known members or units
Complete list
Kraken (Unique) Kraken (Unique)
Kraken (Unique)
Kraken (Unique)
Tags (3)

Kraken | B1 Battle Droid | Scipio

Tags (3)

Kraken | B1 Battle Droid | Scipio

Battle of Scipio
Battle of Scipio

Last updated: 09.02.2022 17:49:33